Energy Prospecting UK
A few
years ago around about 2005 a UK oil company which I cannot reveal
contacted me and invited me down to their headquarters in Southern England, obviously to
test me out, to see what my abilities are in finding oil. They showed
me quite a few maps and asked me what my thoughts were regarding the
“leads” on the map, whether or not there was oil in them or not. The
area in question was west of Scotland. I marked out some of the “leads” remotely
whilst I was with them, which I got a good reaction on. Some of the
“leads” I had no reaction to which means there would be no oil or gas
within the rock formations beneath the ground. Some of the areas
where I got a reaction off the “leads” were going to be financially
feasible and some were not going to be financially feasible, mainly
because of the porosity of the rock in those days I was not aware at
the time of
the fractures that take place in some of the rock formations which
could increase the success rate even with the porosity being small the
fractures would allow the slow percolation of the oil which then could
be pumped up, needless to say I am well aware of this procedure now.
Further progress did take place with this company and myself and I
located an area on mainland Britain, in the Salisbury area, where I picked up
a good sized oil field capable of producing 13 million barrels
recoverable from the field. This was later confirmed by the oil
company that it had a very good possibility of having this quantity if
not more from their own research which tied in with my findings.

company then applied and got the licence for that area on my
procedure was a map survey of the Salisbury area to find the largest oil
field which up to that date had not been found which I then map
stage was to go to the site, narrow it down to the exact size and
shape of the field and to look for the hotspot areas and where the
most ideal hotspot location would be. This was done. A few months
later the company had some new shareholders come in and the trend of
thinking changed from then and said that they were looking for a
greater volume of oil which would be found out at sea. The
concentration changed to the west coast of Scotland which they are
still there and they have found oil in the area.
difference is that it is cheaper to drill on mainland Britain than
what it is offshore.
I am
still there in the background for when they want or need my advice and